Hindustan Motors To Bring In James Bond-like Cars

Hindustan Motors, the manufacturers of the grand old Ambassador, has always been associated with the past. But the company now wants to change its image and cater to the niche market. This actually sounds great. Please keep the updates coming you might say. Alright folks!!!

Here is more- The new vehicle is likely to be along the lines of James Bond- like automobiles!

So what is this James bond like automobiles? Can it be Aston Martins or Alfa Romeo or even sleeker cars? Many of James Bond movies feature Aston Martin Cars, because of its British origin like that of the country of origin of Bond himself.

In fact, the association between the car and the character is so strong that, a mere mention of the suave cars immediately reminds Aston Martin and James Bond manning its wheel.

Hindustan Motors currently has an ongoing partnership with Mitsubishi Motors. The Japanese company has met with limited success in India. It offers imported models like the SUVs Mitsubishi Outlander and Mitsubishi Montero and Pajero and sedans like Cedia and Lancer.

But if we look back, Hindustan Motors has a track record of catering to the creamy layer of the society through its wonder car Ambassador. It has been on the face of wealth in India for many decades now.

Whatever Hindustan Motors has it in its mind, but we all are waiting with bated breath to see what the new offering from Hindustan Motors could look like? Did someone just say Aston Martin was on its way to India???

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